Our Story

My name is Joseph, founder of Crystal Memorials. I wanted to share a little about myself and the inspiration behind my journey into keepsakes. In 2008, my family faced the heart breaking news that my beloved younger sister Karen was diagnosed with terminal cancer. She was a beacon of light in our family, representing laughter fun hope and incredible strength.

Unfortunately, we had to say goodbye to her in 2009. During this ordeal, I wanted to create something meaningful for her children and our parents, something that they could keep and hold dear to them, and this is how crystal memorials started.

Also together with friends and family i setup a charity in Karen’s name and over the 10 years that we ran it ( 2009-2020 ) we helped many people with terminal cancer to have their wishes come true by sending them on holidays , we also donated over £130.000 for a wellness centre in Keech Hospice which is one of only a few children and adult hospices in the UK in Karen’s name.

With my creative background, and working with Swarovski elements designed the crystal heart. Seeing the finished product, i realized its potential to bring comfort to others who have lost a special person in their lives. This is where the idea for Crystal Memorials stemmed from. The ripple effect from that first product has led to a diverse range of keepsakes and a new jewellery collection. The support for our products has been fantastic and we remain dedicated to offering comfort to as many families and friends as possible, helping them keep the memory of their special person alive and if there is a design of your own you have in mind please just contact us and we will be happen to help design your thoughts.